Graphics Reference
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The leading of the body text, decks, callouts, and captions might have some proportional relation-
ship based on their sizes. For example, the body text might be 10 points, set on a leading of 12;
captions might be 6 points, set solid on a leading of 6; decks might be 15 points, set on a leading
of 18. The numeric relationship between these leading measurements is 6 points; a certain num-
ber of lines of each text component will, at some depth interval, share the same top and lower
baseline, and this depth interval might very well indicate the depth of a module. This is the method
used here: 10 lines, or a leading of 60 points, defines the depth of the module; the gutter meas-
ure between rows reflects a hard return between caption paragraphs. The column is defined by the
caption's optimal width.
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