Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
HANG YOUR PUNCTUATION . Most punctuation marks—especially quotations—should hang out-
side the aligned text if they occur at the beginning of a line. This rule sometimes applies to bullets
as well; a designer might opt to maintain the alignment of the bulleted text and hang the bullets in
the margin or gutter.
Structure and Optics
Issues Related to Style
Mechanics of Text
Texture and Space
Type as Information
How Color Changes Type
FIND A FORMULA FOR SUPERS AND SUBS . The size and spacing of subscript and superscript char-
acters, which are used to indicate footnotes or in chemical formulas, must be determined in rela-
tion to a given font size and the leading within paragraphs. Typically, the subscript or superscript
character is just shy of the x-height in size, although, in an oldstyle face with a small x-height, this
measure might prove too small. The subscript character should be set shifted below the baseline
so that it rests on the descent line but does not extend upward to the mean-line; a superscript char-
acter should hang from the cap-line and rest marginally below the mean-line. In terms of letter
spacing, the subscript or superscript character should be set to follow the same optical rhythm of
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