Graphics Reference
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DRAMATIC SCALE CHANGE is instantly engaging because the optical effect is one of perceiving
deep space; the brain wants to know why one item is so small and the other so large. In this partic-
ular ad, the foreground-to-background tension is intensified by making the figure and the chicken
bleed out of the format.
BBK Studio United States
Proportional Systems Controlling the eye's movement through, and creating harmonic
relationships among, form elements—whether pictorial or typographic (see page 202,
Structure: The Grid System)—might be facilitated by creating a system of recognizable,
repeated intervals to which both positive and negative elements adhere. A designer
might approach developing these proportions in an intuitive way—moving material
around within the space of the format or changing their relative sizes—to see at what
point the spaces between elements and their widths or heights suddenly correspond or
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