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7.7 Application: Spin Hamiltonian for the Octahedral Quartet
The octahedral double group contains a four-dimensional spin representation, which
is commonly denoted as the Γ 8 quartet, or U in Griffith's notation. The direct square
of this irrep is given by
Γ 8 ×
Γ 8 =[
A 2 +
2 T 1 +
T 2 ]+{
A 1 +
T 2 }
According to the time-reversal selection rules, time-odd interactions with a magnetic
field will be based on the symmetrized square. The spin-operator of the Zeeman
Hamiltonian transforms as T 1 g , which is indeed included in the symmetrized square.
The present case is, however, special since the T 1 g irrep occurs twice in the product.
The multiplicity separation cannot be achieved on the basis of symmetrization since
both T 1 g irreps appear in the symmetrized part. One way to distinguish the two
products is through the subduction process from spherical symmetry. The addition
rules of angular momenta give rise to
3 / 2
3 / 2
=[ p + f ]+{ s + d }
On these grounds the two T 1 g interactions can be distinguished on the basis of a
different spherical parentage corresponding to p or f coupling. We shall return to
this point in a moment. For a systematic treatment of this problem, we start by set-
ting up a suitable function space. The spherical S
3 / 2 spin-quartet level subduces
directly the octahedral Γ 8 . We can thus use the quartet spin functions as symmetry
bases. The components of S
3 / 2 can be obtained by a fully symmetrized product
of the basic spinor:
3 / 2
3 / 2
α 1 α 2 α 3
3 1 α 2 β 3 +
3 / 2
1 / 2
α 1 β 2 α 3 +
β 1 α 2 α 3 )
3 / 2
1 / 2
1 β 2 β 3 +
β 1 α 2 β 3 +
β 1 β 2 α 3 )
3 / 2
3 / 2
β 1 β 2 β 3
In this expression the fundamental
spinor resembles a quark state: three
quarks are coupled together to form the quartet result. The use of the quartet spin
bases does not mean that our Γ 8 really corresponds to a quartet spin. It only means
that we can introduce a fictitious spin operator, S , which acts on the Γ 8 components
in the same way as the real spin momentum would act on the components of a
spin quartet. The transformations of the Γ 8 spinor under the elements of the group
O may be obtained by combining the transformation matrices for the fundamental
) spins with the quartet coupling scheme in Eq. ( 7.69 ). In the group O ,this
irrep is denoted as Γ 6 . In Table 7.7 the results are shown for two generators of the
octahedral group. These matrices can be taken as the canonical basis relationships
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