Java Reference
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If you run the code from Listing 4-4, you will see the following output:
Test Email
Test Message
Test Message
Test Email
Test Message
Test Message
Test Emails
When the entities are initially stored, the Message object's reference to its associated Email
is null , even after Hibernate has stored the data. The entity in memory is not updated to reflect
the change to the Email entity. However, after we have closed the session, opened a new one,
and loaded the entities from the database, the entity has been updated.
Because the session has been closed, the session is forced to reload the entities from the
database when we request them by primary key. Because the Email entity is the owner of the
association, the association exists in the database purely in the form of a foreign key relation-
ship from the Email table onto the Message table's primary key. When we altered the Email entity
and saved it, this foreign key relationship was therefore updated. So, when we reload the enti-
ties, the Message entity's association details are (correctly) obtained from the same foreign key.
If we alter this code to make the association in the Message entity instead of the Email
entity, but leave the Email entity the owner of the association, we will see the reverse effect, as
Email email = new Email("Test Email");
Message message = new Message("Test Message");
Because we have not made the association in the Email entity (the owner), the foreign key
of the Email table is not pointed at the Message table. When we reload the entities, we do not
see the “automatic” association behavior—quite the opposite:
Test Email
Test Message
Test Email
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