Java Reference
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Figure 3-2. The database entity relationships
The script in Listing 3-14 is generated by the exportDDL task. It could easily have been
written by hand, and it is easy to compare it against your prior expectations of the database
schema (we have changed the formatting slightly, but otherwise this is identical to the output
of the task).
Listing 3-14. The Script Generated by the exportDDL Task
alter table advert
drop constraint fk_advert_user;
alter table link_category_advert
drop constraint fk_advert_category;
alter table link_category_advert
drop constraint fk_category_advert;
drop table aduser if exists;
drop table advert if exists;
drop table category if exists;
drop table link_category_advert if exists;
drop table message if exists;
create table aduser (
id bigint generated by default as identity (start with 1),
name varchar(255),
password varchar(255),
primary key (id),
unique (name));
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