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Building a Simple Application
I n this chapter, you'll take another look at some of the steps necessary to get the example
from Chapter 1 up and running. You'll also build a somewhat larger application from scratch.
All of the code in this topic is available for download from the Apress site ( ).
Installing the Tools
To run the examples in this chapter, you will need to install a number of tools. You will require
a JDK, the Hibernate and Hibernate Tools distributions, the Ant build tool, and the HSQLDB
database. Table 3-1 lists the specific tools you will need and where you can find them.
Table 3-1. The Tools Used in This Topic
Download Location
Hibernate Tools
Hibernate and Hibernate Tools
The latest version of Hibernate is always available from , under the
left-hand menu link named “Download.” Various older versions and additional libraries are
available from the resulting page, but you should select Hibernate Core 3.2.0 or a later ver-
sion. At the time of writing, this is still a release-candidate version, but we expect the final
release to be available by the time you read this topic—if it is not, and you don't want to use
a pre-release version, then most of the examples will work equally well with the previous
3.1.0 release of the Hibernate core. Download the archive and unpack it to a local directory.
The unpacked archive contains all the source code for Hibernate itself, a JAR library built
from this source, and all the library files that are necessary to run the sample.
You should then download Hibernate Tools from the same site. At the time of writing, it
is currently at version 3.1 (again, this is currently in a late beta release, but we recommend
using the beta version, rather that its inferior predecessors, if a final 3.1 version has not been
released yet). Hibernate Tools provides various plug-ins for the Ant build tool and the free
Eclipse IDE. In this chapter, we make use of the Ant plug-ins only, but we discuss the Eclipse
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