Java Reference
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The name of the attribute in the class representing
this primary key. If this is omitted, it is assumed that
the class does not have an attribute directly repre-
senting this primary key. Naturally, the column attrib-
ute must be provided if the name attribute is omitted.
Specifies the name of the XML element or attribute
that should be used by the XML relational persist-
ence features.
The Hibernate type of the column.
The value that the attribute should take when an
instance of the class has been created but not yet per-
sisted to the database. This attribute is mandatory.
The <id> element requires a <generator> element to be specified, which defines how to
generate a new primary key for a new instance of the class. The generator takes a class attri-
bute, which defines the mechanism to be used. The class should be an implementation of . Optional <param> elements can be provided if the
identifier needs additional configuration information, each having the following form:
<param name="parameter name">parameter value</param>
Hibernate provides several default IdentifierGenerator implementations, which can be
referenced by convenient short names, as shown in Table 7-5. These are fairly comprehensive,
so you are unlikely to need to implement your own IdentifierGenerator .
Table 7-5. The Default IdentiferGenerator Implementations
Short Name
Uses a database-generated “globally” unique identifier. This is not portable to
databases that do not have a guid type. The specific implementation, and hence
the quality of the uniqueness of this key, may vary from vendor to vendor.
Uses a database table and column to efficiently and portably maintain and gen-
erate identifiers that are unique to that database. The Hibernate int , short , and
long types are supported.
Supports the identity column type available in some, but not all, databases. This
is therefore not a fully portable option. The Hibernate int , short , and long types
are supported.
Generates a suitable key by adding 1 to the current highest key value. Can apply
to int , short , or long hibernate types. This only works if other processes are not
permitted to update the table at the same time. If multiple processes are run-
ning, then depending on the constraints enforced by the database, the result
may be an error in the application(s) or data corruption.
Selects one of sequence , identity , or hilo , as appropriate. This is a good com-
promise option since it uses the innate features of the database and is portable
to most platforms. This is particularly appropriate if your code is likely to be
deployed to a number of database implementations with differing capabilities.
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