Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Listing 6-16. Mapping a Many-to-One Relationship from the Publisher Entity to the Book Entity
@JoinColumn(name = "publisher_id")
public Publisher getPublisher() {
return publisher;
The @ManyToOne annotation takes a similar set of attributes to @OneToMany . The following
list describes the attributes, all of which are optional.
cascade indicates the appropriate cascade policy for operations on the association;
it defaults to none.
fetch indicates the fetch strategy to use; it defaults to LAZY .
optional indicates whether the value can be null; it defaults to true .
targetEntity indicates the entity that stores the primary key—this is normally inferred
from the type of the field or property ( Publisher in the preceding example).
We have also supplied the optional @JoinColumn attribute to name the foreign key column
required by the association something other than the default ( publisher )—this is not neces-
sary, but it illustrates the use of the annotation.
When a unidirectional one-to-many association is to be formed, it is possible to express
the relationship using a link table. This is achieved by adding the @JoinTable annotation as
shown in Listing 6-17. 2
Listing 6-17. A Simple Unidirectional One-to-Many Association with a Join Table
@OneToMany(cascade = ALL)
public Set<Book> getBooks() {
return books;
The @JoinTable annotation provides attributes that allow various aspects of the link table
to be controlled. These attributes are as follows:
name is the name of the join table to be used to represent the association.
catalog is the name of the catalog containing the join table.
schema is the name of the schema containing the join table.
joinColumns is an array of @JoinColumn attributes representing the primary key of the
entity at the “one” end of the association.
inverseJoinColumns is an array of @JoinColumn attributes representing the primary key of
the entity at the “many” end of the association.
2. When a join table is being used, the foreign key relationship is maintained within the join table
itself—it is therefore not appropriate to combine the mappedBy attribute of the @OneToMany annotation
with the use of an @JoinTable annotation.
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