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Fig. 28 The shape embedding and final segmentation results are shown in 3D views. a A CT data
is shown in the sagittal axis (without the re nement). b The initial location of the shape models.
2D shape models are propagated in z-axis to form 3D models. The blue color (outer volume)
shows the variability region, whereas the yellow color (inner volume) represents the object region.
c The shape model after registration. d The final segmentation results using the three models
used as a reference to align any given VB later to use the proposed shape model.
This alignment approach is similar to the method presented in the previous method.
Finally, a
is generated, which its slices are shown
in Fig. 30 . Three regions in this shape model: white color represents
shape volume
” P s ¼ O[B[V
(VB), black
(its background), and gray is the variability region
. Figure 31 a
illustrates a 3D view of the VB and its variability region.
We use a distance probabilistic model, to model variability region
i.e., the 3D
shape variations. A normal distance is used to describe the VB and its background
in the variability region in the distance probabilistic model as follows.
d p ¼
c 2 C OV k
to the organ/variability
surface C OV . Figure 31 b, c shows iso-surfaces for C OV , where an iso-surface C d p is
a set of voxels located at equal distance d p from C OV . Assuming each iso-surface
Equation ( 30 ) represents the distance from a voxel p
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