Digital Signal Processing Reference
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is no one-to-one mapping between the feature vectors and the sequence of
symbols. A second problem refers to the variability of the feature vectors
belonging to the same symbol. Given that the feature vectors are considered
as samples of a stochastic process, the statistical decoder has to be able to
characterize the common patterns of all feature vectors corresponding to a
particular symbol.
To deal with the first problem, the sequence of feature vectors is warped
to the sequence of symbols based on the dynamic programming principle.
On the other hand, for estimating the degree of correspondence of a feature
vector to a particular symbol, a parametric probability distribution is used
in the HMM framework. In the following, a deeper insight in the HMM is
given. Then, three common parametric probability distributions based on
Gaussian Mixture Modeling (GMM), Artificial Neural Networks and discrete
distributions are presented.
2.3.1 Hidden Markov Models
It has been mentioned previously that the task of the statistical decoder con-
sists of mapping a sequence of feature vectors to a sequence of symbols. In
the HMM framework, each symbol is represented as a HMM state. Fig. 2.10
shows a HMM with a three states left-to-right topology, also known as Bakis
topology [Bakis 76]. Each state emits feature vectors with certain probabilities.
The sequence of feature vectors is produced by an observable stochastic pro-
cess given that we can directly observe this sequence. This stochastic process
is associated with an embedded stochastic process which produces the state
sequence. The word hidden is placed in front of Markov models since the state
sequence is not directly observable or hidden. In the example given in Fig. 2.10,
an observable sequence of feature vectors X = { x 1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 , x 5 } has been
emitted by a hidden state sequence S =
s 1 ,s 2 ,s 3 ,s 4 ,s 5 }
1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 3
these sequences, the subindices indicate the time instant.
In general, a HMM can be characterized by:
Transition probabilities a ij = P ( s t = j
s t− 1 = i ) which are the probabil-
ity of going from state i to state j .
s t = j ) which are the probabilities of
emitting the feature vector x t when the state j is entered.
There are two assumptions in the HMM framework. The first refers to the
first order Markov chain.
State distributions b j ( x t )= p ( x t |
P ( s t |
s 1: t− 1 )= P ( s t |
s t− 1 )
where s 1: t− 1 notates the state sequence
. This assumption
indicates that the probability of staying in a particular state s t at time in-
stance t only depends on the state at the previous time s t− 1 .
The second assumption corresponds to the feature vector independency.
It indicates that the likelihood of a feature vector only depends on the state
s 1 ,s 2 ,...,s t− 1 }
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