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tar zxvf enron1.tar.gz
# change into enron1
cd enron1
# get counts of total spam, ham, and overall msgs
Nspam = ` ls -l spam/*.txt | wc -l `
Nham = ` ls -l ham/*.txt | wc -l `
Ntot = $Nspam + $Nham
echo $Nspam spam examples
echo $Nham ham examples
# get counts containing word in spam and ham classes
Nword_spam = ` grep -il $word spam/*.txt | wc -l `
Nword_ham = ` grep -il $word ham/*.txt | wc -l `
echo $Nword_spam "spam examples containing $word"
echo $Nword_ham "ham examples containing $word"
# calculate probabilities using bash calculator "bc"
Pspam = ` echo "scale=4; $Nspam / ($Nspam+$Nham)" | bc `
Pham = ` echo "scale=4; 1-$Pspam" | bc `
echo "estimated P(spam) =" $Pspam
echo "estimated P(ham) =" $Pham
Pword_spam = ` echo "scale=4; $Nword_spam / $Nspam" | bc `
Pword_ham = ` echo "scale=4; $Nword_ham / $Nham" | bc `
echo "estimated P($word|spam) =" $Pword_spam
echo "estimated P($word|ham) =" $Pword_ham
Pspam_word = ` echo "scale=4; $Pword_spam*$Pspam" | bc `
Pham_word = ` echo "scale=4; $Pword_ham*$Pham" | bc `
Pword = ` echo "scale=4; $Pspam_word+$Pham_word" | bc `
Pspam_word = ` echo "scale=4; $Pspam_word / $Pword" | bc `
echo "P(spam|$word) =" $Pspam_word
# return original directory
cd ..
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