Database Reference
In-Depth Information
After connecting and inserting the test region using Add-Oracle from the previous recipe,
an OracleBulkCopy object is created and passed the connection. OracleBulkCopy
is much more eficient at bulk loading data from a data source into an Oracle table, than
iterating through data and inserting records one at a time. The DestinationTableName
is set to the COUNTRIES table, a BulkCopyTimeout of 5 minutes is set ( 300 seconds ),
and we ask to be notiied after every 50 records are processed with NotifyAfter . Next, the
column mappings are set with ColumnMappings.Add calls, where the irst argument is the
source column name in the DataTable and the second is the destination column name in
the Oracle table. The column mappings are required when there are any differences between
column names, ordinal positions, or column counts between the source and destination. Note
that REGION_ID has to be mapped even though the name matches and [void] prevents
outputting the mapping object created.
Next, an event listener is registered for the OracleRowsCopied event of the
OracleBulkCopy object in order to output progress information during the bulk import.
In this sample there are only a couple hundred rows in the source XML ile and they are
processed so quickly that the progress bar is not really visible, short of setting a breakpoint.
You will often be inserting considerably more records and the progress information may
be more useful. The code in the -Action block deines the event logic of referencing the
number of rows copied so far, the total row count, and the completion percentage, and writing
that to the host output and progress. Note that $countryDT.Rows.Count is passed as
the -MessageData parameter, as variables outside the Action block cannot be reliably
accessed. This may work from the PowerShell ISE but not from the PowerShell console.
Finally the WriteToServer method invokes the bulk insert operation. We pass it the
countries' DataTable but it can take different data sources including an array of DataRow ,
a DataReader or an OracleRefCursor type. A StopWatch object is used to calculate the
duration and afterwards we clean up by unregistering the event, closing the connection, and
disposing objects.
OracleBulkCopy will not perform updates, only inserts. In this example
the countries XML ile does not contain any countries already in the
COUNTRIES database table. If it did, constraints could be violated or duplicate
data inserted. Additionally if the country names in the source data exceeded
the column size in the database, an ORA-26093 error would be raised.
There's more...
In some cases with a limited amount of records to insert, iterating over data in a ile and
inserting records one at a time may be acceptable performance wise for the lexibility of
custom processing.
For very large data sets you may need to look at automating SQL *Loader from PowerShell
or using Oracle's External Tables feature.
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