Database Reference
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Output the raw data from the DataTable to text iles formatted as a list and a table,
and to XML and CSV formats:
$dt | Format-List | Out-File .\EmployeesList.HR.txt
$dt | Format-Table -auto | Out-File .\EmployeesTable.HR.txt
$dt | Export-CSV .\Employees.csv
6. Create custom output iles by piping the DataTable to Where-Object to ilter it
down, Sort-Object to order it, and ForEach-Object to iterate and process it,
appending employee data to text iles:
$dt | Where-Object {$_.job_title -like '*Sales*' -and $_.hire_date
-ge [datetime]"02/01/2004"} `
| Sort-Object {$_.manager, $_.employee} `
| ForEach-Object { `
Add-Content (".\Manager-{0}.HR.txt" -f $_.manager) ("{0},
{1}" -f $_.employee, $_.job_title)
7. Invoke the current directory to launch Windows Explorer to see the output iles
created and remove the script's directory from the location stack:
Invoke-Item .
8. Run the script and inspect the iles that were created:
How it works...
The Get-ScriptDirectory function handles some subtle differences between PowerShell
hosts to return the directory where the script is running. This will be used later on to create
output iles. Alternatively we could hardcode the path directly or change the directory to the
desired location with Set-Location .
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