Database Reference
In-Depth Information
F DBMS Application: A DBMS tool is technically optional but will help in browsing and
verifying results. Toad for Oracle is a popular choice; another one is SQL Developer,
a free download from .
How to do it...
Follow these steps to run PowerShell scripts:
Ensure you start an x86 PowerShell host session on a 64 bit OS if the 32 bit version
of ODAC is installed; otherwise use an x64 session.
In PowerShell, ensure output of Get-ExecutionPolicy is not Restricted . If it is,
run the following command:
PS > Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
How it works...
With these tools, you will have what you need for most of the examples in this topic.
By coniguring PowerShell's execution policy in this manner you will have necessary
permission to run scripts and load coniguration iles.
There's more...
Some later examples will specify additional setup as required.
For more on execution policy, run the following help command in PowerShell:
PS > get-help set-executionpolicy -detailed
Accessing Oracle (Simple)
In this recipe we will look at loading libraries to create objects to interact with Oracle.
Getting ready
Open a PowerShell session for the appropriate processor architecture, x86 or x64 according
to your ODAC installation. See the preceding recipe, Setting up your environment (Simple) for
more information. Often it is easiest to start with the PowerShell ISE (Integrated Scripting
Environment) for a better editing and debugging experience.
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