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The simplest way to achieve this is by creating a standard Copy operation, as shown
in the following screenshot:
Next we need to modify the From XPath expression (circled in the preceding
screenshot), so that we only select the required job based on the value of the index.
To do this, modify the XPath to add a position-based predicate based on the index,
to obtain an expression that looks something like the following:
/ns2:schedule/ns2:job [bpws:getVariableData('index')]
The next step within our branch is to use a <wait> activity to pause the branch until
the startTime for the specified job.
Dynamic partner links
The final step within our branch is to call the service as defined by the endpoint in
the job element. Up to now, we've only dealt in BPEL with static partner links, where
the endpoint of a service is defined at design time.
However, BPEL also provides support for dynamic partner links, where we can
override the endpoint specified at design time with a value specified at runtime.
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