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This will cause the Mediator to validate the payload of inbound messages prior to
executing the routing rules of the operation. If the payload is invalid, the Mediator
will return a fault containing details of the error to the initial caller of the Mediator.
Setting Validate Syntax(XSD) will only validate the incoming request messages;
response messages from synchronous services or callbacks from asynchronous
services that have been invoked by the Mediator are NOT validated.
If we refer to our earlier examination of messages exchanged, then this is the
required behavior. Since, if validation of these messages is required, we would
typically classify it as an external service and implement the required validation
within the Service Bus. If this is not an option, another approach is to perform the
validation within BPEL PM.
Using schema validation within BPEL PM
We have two ways of performing schema validation in BPEL PM. The first is to
create an activity within your BPEL process to validate the required XML, and the
second is to configure your process to perform schema validation of incoming and
outgoing XML documents.
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