Databases Reference
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The first step is to give our dictionary a name, such as LeaveApprovalRules, and a
corresponding Package name.
In addition, we need to specify the Input and Output facts that we will pass to our
decision service. For our purpose, we will pass in a single leave request. The rule
engine will then apply the rules that we define and update the status of the
leave request to either Approved or Manual (to indicate the request needs to be
manually approved).
So we need to define a single input fact and output fact, both of type leaveRequest .
To do this, click on the plus symbol (marked in the preceding screenshot), and
select Input .
This will bring up the standard Type Chooser window; browse the LeaveRequest.
xsd and select leaveRequest . Do the same again to specify an Output fact.
When creating facts based on an XML schema, the rules editor will
generate corresponding JAXB Java classes and place them in the specified
Package . It is a good practice to specify a different package name for
every XML schema to prevent conflicting class definitions.
Next, click the Advanced tab. Here we can see that JDeveloper has given the default
name LeaveApprovalRules_DecisionService_1 to our decision service. Give it a
more meaningful name such as LeaveApprovalDecisonService .
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