Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Sending implementation
Receiving implementation
Receiving program
send( )
TCP protoco l
recv( )
6500 bytes
1500 bytes
0 bytes
First write (1000 bytes)
Second write (2000 bytes)
Third write (5000 bytes)
Figure 5.2: State of the three queues after three writes.
We can think of the sequence of all bytes sent (in one direction) on a TCP connection up
to a particular instant in time as being divided into three FIFO queues:
1. SendQ : Bytes buffered in the underlying implementation at the sender that have been
written to the output stream but not yet successfully transmitted to the receiving host.
2. RecvQ : Bytes buffered in the underlying implementation at the receiver waiting to be
delivered to the receiving program—that is, read from the input stream.
3. Delivered : Bytes already read from the input stream by the receiver.
A call to out.write() at the sender appends bytes to SendQ . The TCP protocol is responsible
for moving bytes—in order—from SendQ to RecvQ . It is important to realize that this transfer
cannot be controlled or directly observed by the user program, and that it occurs in chunks
whose sizes are more or less independent of the size of the buffers passed in write() s. Bytes
are moved from RecvQ to Delivered as they are read from the Socket 's InputStream by the
receiving program; the size of the transferred chunks depends on the amount of data in RecvQ
and the size of the buffer given to read() .
Figure 5.2 shows one possible state of the three queues after the three out.write() sin
the example above, but before any in.reads() s at the other end. The different shading patterns
denote bytes passed in the three different invocations of write() shown above.
Now suppose the receiver calls read() with a byte array of size 2000. The read() call
will move all of the 1500 bytes present in the waiting-for-delivery ( RecvQ ) queue into the byte
array and return the value 1500. Note that this data includes bytes passed in both the first and
second calls to write() . At some time later, after TCP has completed transfer of more data, the
three partitions might be in the state shown in Figure 5.3.
If the receiver now calls read() with a buffer of size 4000, that many bytes will be moved
from the waiting-for-delivery ( RecvQ ) queue to the already-delivered ( Delivered ) queue; this
includes the remaining 1500 bytes from the second write() , plus the first 2500 bytes from the
third write() . The resulting state of the queues is shown in Figure 5.4.
The number of bytes returned by the next call to read() depends on the size of the
buffer and the timing of the transfer of data over the network from the send-side socket/TCP
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