Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 2 Indicative routes
of migratory shorebirds in
New Zealand, between the
North and South Islands ( red )
and the Rangitata River and
Nelson in the South Island
( yellow ); filled triangles
indicate the locations of the
HMR and Taharoa C
windfarm sites
The objectives of the surveys were to:
Determine the northern and southern migratory pathways of shorebirds through
the proposed wind farm;
Describe the heights at which migratory shorebirds fly through the proposed
wind farm;
Determine the proportion of migratory shorebirds that pass through each
proposed turbine cluster (there are 11 separate clusters planned within the wind
farm foot print along the coast line and also along major ridges some 4-6 km
inland of the coast - making up a total of 168 turbines);
Obtain on-going observations of resident bird movements through the proposed
wind farm; and
Provide the necessary data in order that the risk of wind farm operation to migra-
tory and resident shorebirds could be robustly modelled.
Monitoring was conducted using a combination of radar and observers during
five seasons: July-August 2008 (six observer sites only); January-February 2009
(two radars and six observer sites);- July-August 2009 (three radars and 14 observer
sites); January-February 2010 (three radar and 19 observer sites); and July-August
2010 (three radar and no observer sites).
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