Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
• The earlier the better. Some of the data our members have is qualitative, but in
many cases it is the best information available because it is long-term. What we
want to avoid is getting to the panel and someone putting their hand up and
saying “actually I have records of x in this area”. It could save the industry a lot
of time and resources.
• I wouldn't like to make any judgments about the quality of the data, we would
always want to be as sure as possible that it's sound, but the other part of this is
getting the wind farm developer prepared to engage with the community in that
way early in the piece.
Q: Statement (from the fl oor) Inka Veltheim (University of Ballarat) - Returning to
cooperation between industry, consultants, academia, etc. There are research
initiatives called linkage projects where industry can contribute and researcher
can apply for that funding. At Melbourne University there is a centre for excel-
lence in environment decisions that are doing a lot of theoretical and applied
research looking at decision making and detection probabilities. They might be
good to get in touch with. There are people doing applied research out there to
really aid in decision making.
Comment (from the fl oor) Cindy Hull Hydro Tasmania - Questions about improving
detectability and remote sensing options. Decision comes down to what are we
asking and what are we trying to monitor. Do we need to know every time how
many starlings actually collide for example?
Tim Power - closes discussion as out of time.
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