Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
8. OBP offsite plot
Objectives : To attract OBPs away from the vicinity of the wind farms.
Duration : Approximately 6 years
Methods : Initially two plots were planted, but these were later merged into one.
OBP food weed species were planted in this and then monitored.
9. Turbine shutdowns
Objectives : To reduce the collision risk to OBPs.
Duration : Life of the project
Methods : When a specifi ed number of OBPs were observed within 50 m of a
turbine for a specifi c period, the turbine must be shutdown until the OBPs
m o v e .
10. Vegetation management
Objectives : Maintain the high quality remnant vegetation on site.
Duration : Life of the project
Methods : Maintain fences to keep stock out of vegetation.
11. General weed management
Objectives : To manage weeds on the wind farms.
Duration : Life of the project
Methods : Monitor and treat weeds on the wind farms
12. Eagle and OBP Trusts
Objectives : Advise and direct the expenditure of offset monies so that funds are
expended on appropriate projects.
Duration : Until funds were expended
Methods : Meet regularly to discuss how funds should be expended. Receive
reports from organisations conducting the offset projects.
Offset Programs
1. Eagles
Objectives : To achieve a net positive benefi t to these species from the wind farms
Duration : Until completed
Methods : Initially nest protection was the focus, but this was superseded by
the “Wedge-tailed eagle and White-bellied Sea-eagle Nesting Habitat
Management Plan 2007”.
This comprised the following actions:
The protection of 13 active eagle nests on private land, through the implementa-
tion of covenants or long-term licence or management agreements. A partnership
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