Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Appendix: Summary of the Monitoring and Management
Actions Undertaken at the BPWF and SBWF and Regulated
Within the Environmental Management Plans
1. Bird utilisation surveys
Objectives : to determine if there was an indirect (i.e. disturbance) effect on birds
from the operating wind farms
Duration : 3 years pre-construction. It was planned to run for 3 years post-
commissioning, but actually ran for almost 6 years
Methods and results : see Roaring 40s (2009).
2. Bird and bat collision monitoring.
Objectives : to document which species collide with the wind turbines
Duration : 10 years - throughout
Methods and results : see Hull and Cawthen ( 2013 ) and Hull et al. ( 2013 ) .
3. Eagle Breeding success
Objectives : to determine if there was a disturbance effect on eagles breeding at
the wind farms
Duration : 10 years
Methods and results : see Hull et al. ( 2014 )
4. Eagle telemetry program
Objectives : to document eagle movements at the wind farms
Duration : planned to be 3 years
Methods : evolving strategy, but not undertaken for the reasons provided in the
5. Eagle observational studies
Display period observations
Objectives : to document “aggressive” (not defi ned) behaviour during this stage
in the breeding cycle, but over time it was also to implement reactive shut-
downs (see below)
Duration : 3 years
Methods and results : evolving methodology, see Hydro Tasmania 2013 and Hull
et al. ( 2014 ) .
6. Post-collision observations
Objectives : to determine why an eagle collision occurred and document “aggres-
sive” (again, not defi ned) behaviour triggered by the collision, which might
be associated with further collisions, but over time it was also to implement
reactive shutdowns (see below)
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