Environmental Engineering Reference
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Had the surveys been completed according to the prescriptions in the EMP
and/or had they achieved their objectives?;
Did the surveys involve a robust survey design and relevant, achievable objec-
tives?; and
Were the management actions demonstrably effective or, if there were no data
to assess this, logical?;
3. Collate all data, information and evidence on all relevant actions conducted.
4. Develop a mechanism to allow collaborative decision making and a simple
method of documenting decisions made.
The process was accepted by the EPA, and a working group formed. This group
worked through each of the tasks in a series of workshops. All decisions agreed to
by the working group were documented.
We employed the standard qualitative risk likelihood criteria shown in Table 1
and the risk consequence criteria shown in Table 2 .
The assessments were documented in the framework shown in Table 3 .
A summary of all the monitoring and management actions conducted at the
BPWF and SBWF over the last 10 years are provided in Appendix . Three additional
Table 1 Qualitative likelihood criteria used in the review process to assess likelihood of identifi ed
Description, in terms of the life of a wind farm
Indicative frequency (not a
statistical expectation)
Recurs throughout the life of the wind farm
(annually or every few years)
Once a year (or more
Expected within life of the farm
Once in 20 years
Expect to occur in lifetime of one in fi ve wind
Once in 100 years
May have occurred or could occur during
lifetime of one wind farm in Australia
Once in 1,000 years
Not expected in the life of any wind farm in
Once in 10,000 years
Table 2 Consequence criteria use d in the review
Consequence examples. Consequence is the consequence of a
single event
Extreme Very marginal population of a threatened species
Potential for major disruption to species
Critical Threatened species
Potential for disruption to regional or local population
Major Non-marginal species, not threatened
Impact limited to local group
Minor Short term, localised disruptions
Adapted from Table 6.2 in AS/NZS 4360:2004 Risk Management Guidelines
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