Environmental Engineering Reference
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Barrios, L., and A. Rodríguez. 2004. Behavioural and environmental correlates of soaring-bird
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Chamberlain, D.E., M.R. Rehfi sch, A.D. Fox, M. Desholm, and S.J. Anthony. 2006. The effect of
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Dahl, E.L., K. Bevanger, T. Nyågrd, E. Roskaft, and B.G. Stokke. 2012. Reduced breeding success
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Hull, C.L., and L. Cawthen. 2013. Bat fatalities at two wind farms in Tasmania, Australia: Bat
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Hull, C.L., and S.C. Muir. 2013. Behavior and turbine avoidance rates of eagles at two wind farms
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Hull, C.L., E.M. Stark, S. Peruzzo, and C.A. Sims. 2013. Avian collisions at two wind farms in
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Hunt, G. 2002. Golden eagles in a perilous landscape: Predicting the effects of mitigation for wind
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Langston, R.H.W., and J.D. Pullan. 2003. Windfarms and birds: An analysis of the effects of wind-
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Marchant, S., and P.J. Higgins. 1993. Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic birds,
volume 2. Raptors to lapwings . Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Masden, E.A., D.T. Haydon, A.D. Fox, R.W. Furness, R. Bullman, and M. Desholm. 2009. Barriers
to movement: Impacts of wind farms on migrating birds. ICES Journal of Marine Science 66:
Nygård, T, K. Bevanger, E.L. Dahl, O. Flagstand, A. Follestad, P.L. Hoel, R. May, and O. Reitan.
2010. A study of white-tailed eagle Haliaeetus albicilla movements and mortality at a wind
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