Graphics Reference
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Cleveland,W.( ).he Elements of Graphing Data,revisededn,HobartPress,Sum-
mit, New Jersey, USA.
Dawson,R.( ).he'unusualepisode'datarevisited,Journal of Statistics Education
(Online) ( ).
Devesa, S., Grauman, D., Blot, W.,Pennello, G., Hoover, R. and Fraumeni, J.J.( ).
Atlas of cancer mortality in the United States, - ,USGovtPrintOff,Wash-
ington, DC.
Everitt, B. ( ). Cluster Analysis, rd edn, Edward Arnold, London.
Fox, J. ( ). Effect displays in r for generalised linear models, Journal of Statistical
Sotware ( ).
Hofmann, H. ( ). Exploring categorical data: interactive mosaic plots, Metrika
( ): - .
Inselberg, A. ( ). Don't panic ... do it in parallel, Computational Statistics
( ): - .
Izenman, A. and Sommer, C. ( ). Philatelic mixtures and multimodal densities,
Journal of the American Statistical Association ( ): - .
Kosslyn, S. ( ). Elements of Graph Design, Freeman, New York.
MacEachren, A. ( ). How Maps Work, Guildford Press, New York.
Murrell, P. ( ). RGraphics, Chapman & Hall, London.
Norman, D. ( ). he Design of Everyday hings,Doubleday,NewYork.
Playfair,W.( ).Playfair's Commercial and Political Atlas and Statistical Breviary,
Cambridge, London.
Putnam, R. ( ). Bowling Alone, Touchstone, New York.
Robbins, N. ( ). Creating More Effective Graphs,JohnWiley.
Spence, R. ( ). Information Visualization, Adison-Wesley, New York.
Tute,E.( )he Visual Display of Quantitative Information, nd edn, Graphic
Press, Cheshire, Connecticut.
Wainer, H. ( ). Visual Revelations,Springer,NewYork.
Wainer, H. ( ). Graphic Discovery: a Trout in the Milk and other Visual
Wilkinson, L. ( ). he Grammar of Graphics, nd edn, Springer, New York.
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