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Fessler, J.A. and Hero, A.O. ( ). Space-alternating generalized expectation-
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Fessler, J.A. and Hero, A.O. ( ). Penalized maximum-likelihood image re-
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Goodman, J.W. ( ). Statistical Optics. Wiley, New York.
Herman, G.T. ( ). Image Reconstruction From Projections: he Fundamentals of
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Kevles, B.H. ( ). Naked to the Bone: Medical Imaging in the Twentieth Century.
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Lu, H.H.S., Chen, C.M. and Yang, I.H. ( ). Cross-Reference Weighted Least
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Lu, H.H.S. and Tseng, W.J. ( ). On Accelerated Cross-Reference Maximum
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Spinks, T.J., Jones, T., Gilardi, M.C. and Heather, J.D. ( ). Physical Performance
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