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β i , β i , β i
where i
, , . hose data-fitted models
(denoted by +) and Xu's
model in ( . ) (denoted by
) are plotted in Fig. . . Figure . clearly shows that Xu's
model does not fit the cluster of
β i , β i , β i
points well. Instead, the center point
of the clustered points could be a better fit. his confirmed the intuition that the
A-R-T model should be data-driven. his data-driven response surface was devel-
oped as follows.
Among those models (surfaces) fitted well by microarray data of triplets, the fol-
lowing method was employed to determine exactly one surface, called the mode sur-
face, that most of the triplets are close to. For any given i,treating
β i , β i , β i , β i
as a point in R , we partitioned
by Silverman's rule in nonparametric density
estimation (Scott, ; Härdle et al., ).
Silverman's ruleis amethodthat determines the modeof points that existin high-
dimensional space;theformula tocomputethepartition numberforeachcoordinate
h i is:
n −( d +) ,
h i
s i , IQR i
where s i and IQR i denote the standard error and interquartile range of the data in
coordinate i,andd is the dimensionality of the points to be partitioned. A general
Figure . . β , β and β of models fitted well to ( . ) and those of Xu's model, denoted by + and
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