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in particular, by the majority of triplets. Furthermore, a time lag was allowed in the
model for the target gene to respond to the influences of its activator and repressor.
Given n genes, in order to attain the surface that fits the majority of triplets (A, R,
T), the following regression model was fitted to all
! triplets:
T i
β A i
β R i
β A i
R i
( . )
n, β
, β
R .
tothe response surface with atime laghas the following bio-
logical bearing. Microarrays measure the concentration ofmRNAs,the lag
A t , R t , T t +
characterizes that mRNAs of gene A (R) translate into protein a (r) within the time
lag,then their protein a (r) activates (represses) its associated target gene. AnA-R-T
relationship, with T lagged
in time behind A and R, is depicted in Fig. . , where
the curves of R and T are roughly converse to each other but T's curve roughly fol-
lows A's. A few RT-PCR-confirmed A-R-T triplets have also shown similar patterns
to those in Fig. . ; this reinforces the validity of the A-R-T model.
Time course microarray data for each triplet were fitted to the model in ( . ) to
β i , β i , β i , β i
, n
and nisthenumberofgenes.
hatis,therewere n
responsesurfaces (models)fitted intotal. Next,the
. and all of the p-values of the β i must be
goodness-of-fit criteria that R
wereutilized toselectmodelsthat weregoodfits.Duetothemultiple testingproblem
(four β i values) and the significance level for entry in variable selection (Younger,
), . was set to be the threshold for all p-values. his threshold and that for R
can be adjusted according to the number of triplets that satisfy the goodness-of-fit
criterion. For instance, if there are relatively fewtriplets that satisfy the criterion, one
canloosenjustthethresholdforp-values or both thresholds.
To gain insights from R , triplets of genes related to DNA synthesis and DNA
repair in yeast were fitted to the model in ( . ); those models where
β i , β i , β i
. and all p-values of β i
satisfied the criterion that R
. were retained,
Figure . . he Activator-Repressor-Target pattern displayed by three genes in the alpha data set
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