Graphics Reference
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Jasplot has basic graphics classes such as scatterplots (Fig. . ), histograms
(Fig. . ) and boxplots (Fig. . ). It implements scatterplot matrices (Fig. . ) and
parallel coordinate plots (Fig. . ) as examples of combining basic classes to build
new graphics. It also implements mosaicplots (Fig. . ). hese graphics have func-
tions for focusing, zooming and linked views.
Jasplot was written by adopting the MVC design pattern. Each basic statistical
graphic is written as three main classes that implement the DataModel , Plot-
Model and Plotter interfaces. DataModel realizes the model of the MVC
pattern for a graphic. he view of the MVC pattern consists of PlotModel and
Plotter . he controller of the MVC is realized by the JasplotPanel class, in
which graphics are drawn and mouse events are handled.
We illustrate them by building several new graphics such as scatterplot matrices or
parallel coordinate plots.
Jasplot realizes useful interactive operations. Jasplot has three different and ex-
changeable selectors for specifying particular observations. When the numbers of
data and variables are large, interactive operations can become slow. To reduce com-
putational burdens and to increase response speed, Jasplot adopts several mecha-
nisms such as control over repaint timing, multilayers and double buffering.
Figure . . Scatterplot example
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