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variables and an individual variable vector across all samples; ( )an association score
for every sample-sample and variable-variable relationship; ( ) a grouping structure
for variables and a clustering effect for samples, and; ( ) an interaction pattern for
sample clusters on variable groups.
With the capacity to display thousands of variables in a single picture, the flexi-
bility to work with all types of data, and the ability to handle various manifestations
of extraordinary data patterns (missing value, covariate adjustment), we believe that
matrix visualization hasthe potential tobecome oneofthe mostimportant graphical
tools applied to exploratory data analysis (EDA) in the future.
Alon, U., Barkai, N., Notterman, D.A., Gish, K. Ybarra, S., Mack, D. and Levine, A.J.
( ). Broad patterns of gene expression revealed by clustering analysis of tu-
mor and normal colon tissues probed by oligonucleotide arrays, Proc Natl Acad
Sci USA., ( ): - .
Asimov, D. ( ). he grand tour: a tool for viewing multidimensional data, SIAM
Journal of Scientific and Statistical Computing, ( ): - .
Bar-Joseph, Z., Gifford, D.K. and Jaakkola, T.S. ( ). Fast optimal leaf ordering for
hierarchical clustering, Bioinformatics, :S -S .
Bertin,J.( ).Semiologie Graphique,Paris:Editionsgauthier-Villars.Englishtrans-
lation by William J. Berg. as Semiology of Graphics: Diagrams, Networks, Maps.
University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI, .
Carmichael, J.W. and Sneath, P.H.A. ( ). Taxometric maps, Systematic Zoology,
: - .
Chang,S.C.,Chen,C.H.,Chi,Y.Y.andOuyoung,C.W.( ).Relativityandres-
olution for high dimensional information visualization with generalized associa-
tion plots(GAP), Section for Invited Papers, Proceedings in Computational Statistics
(Compstat ), Berlin, Germany, - .
Chen, C.H.( ).heproperties and applications of the convergence of correlation
matrices. In Proceedings of the Section on Statistical Graphics of the American
Statistical Association, - .
Chen, C.H. ( ). Extensions of generalized association plots, Proceedings of
the Section on Statistical Graphics of the American Statistical Association, - .
Chen, C.H. ( ).Generalized association plots: information visualization via iter-
atively generated correlation matrices, Statistica Sinica, : - .
Chen, C.H., Hwu, H.G., Jang, W.J., Kao, C.H., Tien, Y.J., Tzeng, S. and Wu, H.M.
( ). Matrix visualization and information mining, Proceedings in Computa-
tional Statistics (Compstat ), pp. - , Physika Verlag, Heidelberg.
Eisen, M.B., Spellman, P.T., Brown, P.O. and Botstein, D. ( ). Cluster analysis and
display of genome-wide expression patterns, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, : -
Fisher, R.A. ( ). he use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems, An-
nals of Eugenics, : - .
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