Graphics Reference
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For a line ℓ in -D, the three points ℓ , ℓ , ℓ are collinear; we denote this line
by L, and any two represent ℓ.ApolygonallineonalloftheN
Eq. . or their equivalent, represents a point on the line ℓ. Conversely, two points
determine a line ℓ. Starting with the two polygonal lines representing the points, the
intersections of their X i , X i portions arethe ℓ i ,i points fortheline ℓ.Aline
interval in -D and several of its points is seen in Fig. . (right). By the way, it is
essential to index the points ℓ.
Planes and Hyperplanes
While a line can be determined from its projections, a plane cannot, even in -D.
A new approach is called for Eickemeyer ( ). Rather than discerning a p-dimen-
sional object from its points, it is described in terms of its (p
)-dimensional subsets
constructed from the points. Let's see how this works. In Fig. . (let), polygonal
lines representing a set of coplanar points in -D are shown. Even the most persistent
pattern-seeker will not detect any clues hinting at a relationship between the points,
muchlessalinear one,based onthis picture.Instead, foreach pairofpolygonal lines,
the line L of the three-point collinearity described above is constructed. he result,
shown on the right, is stunning. All the L lines intersect at a point, which turns out
tobecharacteristic ofcoplanarity, although this isnot enoughinformation tospecify
the plane. Translating the first axis X to the position X , one unit to the right of the
X axis, and repeating the construction yields the second point shown in Fig. .
(let). For a plane given by
c x
c x
c x
c ,
( . )
the two points, in the order they are constructed, are respectively
, c
, c
, π
( . )
Figure . . (Let) he polygonal lines on the first three axes represent a set of coplanar points in -D.
(Right) Coplanarity! Lines are formed on the plane using the three-point collinearity intersect at a point
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