Graphics Reference
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Figure . . A multiple bars display of the Accident Victims data (Bertin, , p. ). More men than
women are among the victims. he difference is particularly prominent for motorcycle accidents, which
is the largest source of accidents for men. For women, the largest source of accidents is four-wheeled
vehicles, except for girls under the age of ten and women above fity. For both of these age groups, most
of the accidents happen to pedestrians
the inverse of the number of cases in the cell into which observation i falls. Without
any additional information, this plot is therefore a rather boring one. Where are the
advantages of it?
here are two main areas where same-bin-size displays have proven to be very
useful;comparisons ofconditional distributions (visualized byhighlighting heights),
and searches for data patterns (e.g., the empty-bin pattern in sparse data cubes).
Figure . showsadefaultmosaicplot that ischanged intoits same-bin-size vari-
ant. his involves a change of vertical scale. his change in scale makes it much eas-
Figure . . Changing from a default mosaicplot to a same-bin-size variant. he changes means that
the highlighted heights of the upper and lower rows can be compared more easily, since the rows have
identical vertical scales, instead of the different scales that they had in the mosaicplot
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