Graphics Reference
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Meyer, D., Zeileis, A. and Hornik, K. ( ). Visualizing independence using ex-
tended association plots. In K. Hornik, F. Leisch and A. Zeileis (eds), Proceedings
of the rd International Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing, Vienna,
Austria.ISSN - X.
Meyer, D., Zeileis, A. and Hornik, K. ( ). he strucplot framework: Visualizing
multi-way contingency tables with vcd. Journal of Statistical Sotware, ( ): - .
Meyer, D., Zeileis, A. and Hornik, K. ( ). vcd: Visualizing Categorical Data. R
package version . - .
Mollon, J. ( ). Seeing color. In T. Lamb and J. Bourriau (eds), Colour: Art and
Science. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Moretti, G. and Lyons, P. ( ). Tools for the selection of colour palettes. In
Proceedings of the New Zealand Symposium On Computer-Human Interaction
(SIGCHI ), University of Waikato, New Zealand.
Munsell, A.H. ( ). A Color Notation. Munsell Color Company, Boston, MA.
Patefield, W.M. ( ). An e cient method of generating r
c tables with given row
and column totals. Applied Statistics, : - .Algorithm AS .
Pesarin, F. ( ). Multivariate Permutation Tests.Wiley,Chichester,UK.
Poynton, C. ( ). Frequently-asked questions about color. Accessed - - .
SAS Institute Inc. ( ). SAS/STAT Version .Cary,NC.
R Development Core Team ( ). R: A Language and Environment for Statistical
Computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. ISBN
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Riedwyl, H. and Schüpbach, M. ( ). Parquet diagram to plot contingency tables.
In F. Faulbaum (ed), Sotstat ' : Advances in Statistical Sotware,pp - ,
Gustav Fischer, New York.
Strasser,H.andWeber,C.( ).Ontheasymptotic theoryofpermutation statistics.
Mathematical Methods of Statistics, : - .
heus,M.( ).Interactivedata visualization usingMondrian. Journal of Statistical
Sotware, ( ): - .
heus,M.andLauer,S.R.W.( ).Visua izinglog inearmodels.Journal of
Computational and Graphical Statistics, ( ): - .
Unwin, A.R.,Hawkins, G.,Hofmann, H.and Siegl,B.( ).Interactive graphics for
data sets with missing values - MANET. Journal of Computational and Graphical
Statistics, ( ): - .
Wing, J.K. ( ). Institutionalism in mental hospitals. British Journal of Social
Clinical Psychology, : - .
Young, F.W. ( ). ViSta: he visual statistics system. Technical Report - (c),
UNC L.L. hurstone Psychometric Laboratory Research Memorandum.
Zeileis, A., Meyer, D.and Hornik, K. ( ).Residual-based shadings for visualizing
(conditional) independence. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics,
( ): - .
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