Graphics Reference
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Figure . . Arthur Bowley's demonstration of methods of smoothing a time-series graph. Moving
averages of , and years are compared with a freehand curve drawn through four points
representing the averages of successive -year periods. Source: Bowley ( , opposite p. )
without making sudden changes in curvature,' giving the thick curve in Fig. . .
Support for Sir Robert's conclusion and the evidence for a -year cycle owe much to
this graphical treatment.
Moreover, perhaps for the first time, graphical methods proved crucial in a num-
berofnewinsights, discoveries andtheories inastronomy,physics,biologyandother
sciences.Amongthese,onemayreferto(a)E.W.Maunder's( )'butterflydiagram'
to study the variation of sunspots over time, leading to the discovery that they were
markedly reduced in frequency from - ; (b) the Hertzsprung-Russell dia-
gram (Hertzsprung, ; Spence and Garrison, ), a log-log plot of luminosity as
a function of temperature for stars, used to explain the changes as a star evolves and
laying the groundwork for modern stellar physics; (c) the discovery of the concept
of atomic number by Henry Moseley ( ) based largely on graphical analysis. See
Friendly and Denis ( ) for more detailed discussion of these uses.
A reanalysis of the data using a loess smoother shows that this is in fact oversmoothed and
correspondscloselytoaloesswindowwidth of f = . .heoptimalsmoothingparameter,
minimizing AIC C is f = . , giving a smooth more like Bowley's - and -year moving
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