Graphics Reference
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Figure . . intxplot(Npg ~ strain, groups=comb)
Standard interaction plot of rhizobium data. At most levels of strain, the clover line is similar to or
slightly lower than the combination (clover + alfalfa) line. At strain= , the clover line is much higher
than the combination line (Files: h /intx/code/rhizobium-clover.s,
Figure . . Extended interaction plot for rhizobium data. he upper-let panel is identical to Fig. .
(File: h /intx/code/rhizobium-clover.s)
plots is more readily interpretable than the other. Constructing this plot involves the
[factors].Rowsarelabeled bythe tracefactor.hecolor
scheme is constant in each row. Columns are labeled by the x-factor. he x-axis tick
marks are constant in each column.
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