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Sain, S.R. ( ).Multivariate locally adaptive density estimation. Comput Stat Data
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Sain, S.R., Baggerly, K.A. and Scott, D.W. ( ). Cross-validation of multivariate
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Samiuddin, M. and El-Sayyad, G.M. ( ). On nonparametric kernel density esti-
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Scott, D.W. ( ). On optimal and data-based histograms. Biometrika : -
Scott, D.W. ( ). Averaged shited histograms: effective nonparametric density es-
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Scott, D.W. ( ). Multivariate Density Estimation: heory, Practice, and Visualiza-
Scott, D.W. and Terrell, G.R. ( ). Biased and unbiased cross-validation in density
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Sheather, S.J. and Jones, M.C. ( ). A reliable data-based bandwidth selection
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