Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
is the connection between MDA techniques and graphic interaction tools (Klinke,
). he sotware was designed as a data-mining tool to work with huge amounts
of data.
Data presented in this section come fromthe Italian Survey of HouseholdIncome
and Wealth (SHIW), a large-scale household survey run biannually by the Bank of
Italyonapanelofabout Italianhouseholds( individuals)spanningabout
Italian municipalities (Bank of Italy, ). he SHIW began in the s with
the aim of gathering data on the income and savings of Italian households, and it
is widely used in studies on saving behavior by Italian households. It collects de-
tailed information on Italian household demographic characteristics, consumption,
income,and balance sheet items. Forour analysis, weconsider data of the last survey
(year ).Foranexhaustive description ofthedataandrelatedissues,seeD'Alessio
et al. ( ).
For the sake of simplicity, among the available indicators we have selected are the
ETA :age(years)
Q : working status ( =employed, =self-employed, =unemployed)
AREA :geographicalarea
( =northeast, =northwest, =central, =south, =islands)
YL : compensation of employees
YT : pensions and net transfers
YM : net income from self-employment
YC :propertyincome
CD : consumption (durables)
CN : consumption (nondurables)
S : i g
AR : real assets
AF : financial assets
PF : financial liabilities
BD :consumerdurables
Data exploration and feature extraction can be well presented through the visual ap-
proach. Unfortunately, static views presented in this section do not allow us to ap-
preciate the human-machine interaction analysis power that comes from MDA.
hefollowing resultsrefertoatwo-step analysis (factorialanalysis andclustering).
Looking at the point configuration on the factorial plans, the user can modify the
analysis parameters or add and remove variables or statistical units.
VITAMIN-S sotware was designed to be used also by users not having a high
levelofskill inMDA.Indeed,specifyingthetypeofvariables andthedesiredanalysis
strategy is enough to start.
InthisexampleweclassedallvariablesascontinuousexceptQandAREA .Inpar-
ticular we used the AGE variable and the two categorical variables as supplementary.
hen we specified factorial analysis plus clustering as a strategy. Once these parame-
terswereestablished, VITAMIN-Sperformsthewholeanalysis andthentheusercan
act on the graphic displays. Any action performed on one display causes methods to
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