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he keyword (row) plot shows the similar popularity of correspondence analysis
and multidimensional scaling and how Procrustes analysis is related to them, while
the difference in use of reciprocal averaging, which is used sporadically, becomes
clear. Sometimes the row and column spaces are combined into one space since they
have both arisen from the singular value decomposition of
. Distances between
row points and column points are not defined, although row points close to column
points will have some association.
he year plot is consistent with a steady increase in the use of correspondence
analysis, Procrustesanalysis and multidimensional scaling. Notethat the years tothe
lower right of the plot are the years that reciprocal averaging makes an entry into the
Reciprocal averaging is used for binary data and is essentially the same as cor-
respondence analysis, although the construction appears different. It can be easily
explained using an ecological example. Suppose n different species of plants are each
Figure . . Year plot for references
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