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Figure . . INDSCAL for BP data by data source
he individual weights
w it
and coordinates
x rt
are sought which best match
. Carroll and Chang ( ) give an algorithm which uses a recursive
least-squares approach to do this.
hedata usedtoillustrate INDSCAL arefromthe edition oftheBPStatistical
Review of World Energy. he review incorporates additional elements from the BP
Review of WorldGas. hereview is a compendium of statistics on the primary forms
of energy (BP ).
he data are for all years from to , with energy sources as shown in Ta-
ble . . Data are available for both production and consumption.
Initially dissimilarities were generated for countries and each year, averaging over
the energy sources. he INDSCAL analysis results are given in Figs. . and . .
Figure . shows the “group stimulus space” and Fig. . the “subjects space”.
Clearly China and theUSA areexceptional. heUSAisthe largest consumer/pro-
ducer of gas and oil, and also the largest consumer of nuclear. In coal (both produc-
d rs,i
δ rs,i
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