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Figure . . Nonmetric MDS of Shakespearean plays: (plays colored blue are comedies) asy - As You
Like It, cym - Cymbeline, lov - Love's Labours Lost, mer - Merchant of Venice, tam - Taming of the
Shrew, tem - he Tempest; (plays colored green are historical plays) h - Henry IV, Part , h -
Henry IV, Part , h - Henry V, h - Henry VIII, r - Richard II, r - Richard III; (plays colored red
are tragedies) ham - Hamlet, jc - Julius Caesar, mac - Macbeth, oth - Othello, rj - Romeo and Juliet,
tim - Timon of Athens, tit - Titus Andronicus, twe - Twelth Night
To find the effect of each δ rs on the fitting of the configuration, each δ rs can be let
out of the analysis in turn and the STRESS re-calculated. Also, the resulting config-
uration each time can be matched to the original and the resulting value of the Pro-
crustesanalysis (Sect. )noted.helowestSTRESSthatwasobtained was . %when
the dissimilarity between Timon of Athens and Henry IV, Part was removed. he
nextlowest STRESS was . %whenthedissimilarity between Hamlet and HenryIV,
Part was removed. For all other dissimilarities, the STRESS was back to approxi-
mately the original value. A similar exercise was carried out removing whole playsat
a time. Table . shows the STRESS values obtained each time a play was removed.
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