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For categorical data, agreement scores can be used where, for example, if objects
r and s share the same category, then δ rs
andδ rs
elaborate, agreement scores can be devised.
When data are mixed, with binary, quantitative and categorical variables, Gower
( ) suggests using a general similarity coe cient,
i = w rsi s rsi
s rs
( . )
i = w rsi
where s rsi is the similarity between the rth and sth objects based on the ith variable
alone and w rsi is unity if the rth and sth objects can be compared on the ith variable
andzerootherwise. Forquantitative variables, Gowersuggests s rsi
R i ,
where R i is the range of the observations for variable i. For presence/absence data,
Gower suggests s rsi
x ri
x si
ifobjectsr and s both score “presence,” and zero otherwise,
while w rsi
ifobjectsr and s both score “absence,” and unity otherwise. For nom-
inal data Gower suggests s rsi
ifobjectsr and s share the same categorization, and
zero otherwise.
Metric MDS
Given n objects with a set of dissimilarities
, one dissimilarity for each pair of
objects, metric MDS attempts to find a set of points in some space where each point
represents one of the objects and the distances between points
d rs
d rs
are such that
d rs
δ rs
( . )
where f is a continuous parametric monotonic function. he function f can either
be the identity function or a function that attempts to transform the dissimilarities
to a distance-like form. he first type of metric scaling described here is classical
scaling, which originated in the s when Young and Householder ( ) showed
that, starting with a matrix of distances between all pairs of the points in a Euclidean
space, coordinates for the points could be found such that distances are preserved.
Torgerson ( ) brought the subject to popularity using the technique for scaling,
where distances are replaced by dissimilarities.
he algorithm for recovering coordinates from distances between pairs of points
is as follows:
. Form matrix
δ rs
n n n T ,with
. Form matrix
is the centring matrix
n avectorofones.
. Find the spectral decomposition of
T , where Λ is the diagonal ma-
trix formed from the eigenvalues of
is the matrix of corresponding
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