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lapped. It is blinded by the assumption that the three classes have equal variance-
covariance. Quadratic discriminant analysis does better in making a rule but cannot
provide a good picture of the solution. he solution of black-box methods such as
forestsand neuralnetworks aregenerally di cult tounderstand,butbymappingout
a picture of the class structure of these data using a tour we can better understand
how they have worked and the resulting solution.
Tours can help numerical approaches in many ways: to choose which of the tools
at hand works best for a particular problem, to understand how the tools work in
a particular problem, and to overcome the limitations of a particular tool to improve
the solution.
End Notes
here are numerous recent developments in tours that should be noted. Huh and
Kim ( ) describes a grand tour with trailing tails marking the movement of the
points in previous projections. he tour can be constructed in different projection
dimensions and constraints. Yang ( ) describes a grand tour with -D data pro-
jectionsinvirtualenvironments.hecorrelationtourdescribedbyBujaetal.( b),
and available in GGobi,runs two independent tours of -Dprojections on horizontal
andvertical axes. hispaperalso describesconstraining thetourtospecial subspaces
such as principal components or canonical coordinates. XGobi (Swayne et al., )
contained tools for freezing some axes and touring in the constrained complement
space, and also a section tour, where points outside a fixed distance from the projec-
tionplacewereerased.Wegmanetal.( )andSymanziketal.( )discussatour
on the multivariate measurements constrained on spatial locations, which is similar
to the multivariate time series tour discussed in Sutherland et al. ( ), where -D
projections are shown against a time variable.
In summary, tours support exploring real-valued data. hey deliver many projec-
tions of real-valued data in an organized manner, allowing the viewer to see the data
from many sides.
Asimov, D. ( ). he grand tour: a tool for viewing multidimensional data, SIAM
J Sci Stat Comput ( ): - .
Asimov, D. and Buja, A. ( ). he grand tour via geodesic interpolation of -
Frames, Visual Data Exploration and Analysis, Symposium on Electronic Imaging
Science and Technology,IS&T/SPIE.
Buja,A.andAsimov,D.( a).Grandtourmethods:anoutline,Comput Sci Stat
: - .
Buja,A.,Asimov,D.,Hurley,H.andMcDonald,J.A.( ).ElementsofaViewing
Pipeline for Data Analysis, in Cleveland, W.S. and McGill, M.E. (ed), Dynamic
Graphics for Statistics, Wadsworth, Monterey, CA, pp. - .
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