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Mathematically, a projection of data is computed by multiplying an n
p data ma-
trix, X ,havingn sample points in p dimensions, by an orthonormal p
d projection
matrix, A , yielding a d-dimensional projection. For example, to project a -D object
( columns, or variables, of data) onto a -D plane (the shadow of the object), we
would use an orthonormal
Here is a concrete example. Suppose our data matrix and projection were these:
and A
then XA
is the first two columns of the data matrix. If instead
. .
. .
. .
then XA
. .
. .
is a combination of all three variables.
heseprojectionsareillustratedinFig. . .hetoprowshowsthedataprojections,
XA and XA , respectively. he bottom row displays the projection coe cients, A
and A .Arowin A can also be interpreted as the projection of the coordinate axis
(p-dimensional to d-dimensional) for each variable, and it is represented by a line in
this display. he length and direction of the line displays the contribution each vari-
able makes to the projected data view. In A the data projection isconstructed purely
from variable in the horizontal direction and variable in the vertical direction. In
A variables and share the horizontal direction, and variable makes no contri-
bution horizontally. Vertically all three variables make a contribution, but variable
has twice the contribution of the other two variables. his type of axis display is used
to match structure in a data projection with the variable dimensions of the data and,
hence, enable to the analyst to interpret the data.
We also commonly use -D projections in data analysis. With a -D projection we
typically use a histogram or density plot to display the data. Consider the -D data
in Fig. . (letplot) and two -Dprojections (middle,right). heprojection matrices
and A
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