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Figure . . Does students reading behavior have an impact on their performance in mathematics? he
distribution for those students who read more than h a day is shited toward the higher scores
subgroup. In Fig. . three categories are selected at the same time and the resulting
other examples which follow are a subset of the hird International Mathematics and
Science Study, an international survey to assess the level of and possible influences
on the mathematics and science achievements of - and -year-old students. he
dataset used here consists of a German sample of students. he dataset is rather
typical forsurveys in the social sciences andcontains afewcontinuous variables, like
the scores on the mathematics and science test, and a large number of categorical
variables originating from a questionnaire using a five-point Likert scale.
Another main advantage of linked views is the applicability tocomplex data struc-
tures. he linking concept comes quite naturally with geographically referenced data
byconnecting themeasurements with thegeographic location atwhichthemeasure-
ments were made. Figure . shows a map of Bavaria that indicates those counties
with a high percentage of forestry.
Anselin ( ),Wills ( )and Roberts ( ) provide a comprehensive discus-
sion of linking in spatial data exploration.
in particular, addressing issues such as
Investigating distributional characteristics,
Finding unusual or unexpected behavior, and
Detecting relationships, structure, and patterns.
of conditional views. Figure . shows the conditional distribution of the variable
reading for pleasure formalestudents.Sincethenumberofstudentsinthegroupof
students who read outside school is in inverse relation to the amount of time spent
reading, it is di cult to see whether the males show a particular pattern.
By switching the barchart on the right to a spine plot (Hummel, ), we can see
theproportions ofmales falling into eachcategory ofreading habits. Hereitbecomes
immediately obviousthat malesareunderrepresentedinthemediumclass.Malestu-
he dataset used here is from the Bavarian O ce of Statistics and includes information
about land usage for the counties in Bavaria.
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