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Peng, W., Ward, M. and Rundensteiner, E. ( ). Clutter reduction in multi-
dimensional data visualization using dimension reordering. In: Proceedings of
IEEE symposium on information visualization, pp. - . IEEE Computer
Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA.
Pickett, R. and Grinstein, G. ( ). Iconographic displays for visualizing multi-
dimensional data. In: Proceedings IEEE conference on systems, man, and
cybernetics, pp. - .
Post,F.,Walsum,T.,Post,F.andSilver,D.( ).Iconictechniquesforfeaturevi-
sualization. In: Proceedings of IEEE conference on visualization, pp. - .
IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA.
Ribarsky, W., Ayers, E., Eble, J. and Mukherjea, S. ( ). Glyphmaker: creating
customized visualizations of complex data. Computer, : - .
Rohrer, R., Ebert, D. and Sibert, J. ( ). he shape of Shakespeare: visualizing text
using implicit surfaces. In: Proceedings of IEEE conference on visualization,
pp. - . IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA.
Rosario, G.E., Rundensteiner, E.A., Brown, D.C., Ward, M.O. and Huang, S. ( ).
Mapping nominal values to numbers for effective visualization. Inf Visualizat,
: - .
Schroeder,W.,Volpe,C.andLorensen,W.( ).heStreamPolygon:atechnique
for D vector field visualization. In: Proceedings of IEEE conference on
visualization, pp. - . IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA.
Siegel, J., Farrell, E., Goldwyn, R. and Friedman, H. ( ). he surgical implication
of physiologic patterns in myocardial infarction shock. Surgery, : - .
Ward,M.andKeim,D.( ).Screenlayoutmethodsformultidimensional
visualization. In: Proceedings of CODATA Euro-American workshop on
visualization of information and data
Ward, M. and Lipchak, B. ( ). A visualization tool for exploratory analysis of
cyclic multivariate data. Metrika, : - .
Ward, M. ( ). A taxonomy of glyph placement strategies for multidimensional
data visualization. Inf Visualizat, : - .
Wilkinson, L. ( ). An experimental evaluation of multivariate graphical point
representations. In: Proceedings of the conference on human factors in computing
systems, pp - . Association for Computing Machinery, New York.
Wittenbrink, C., Pang, A. and Lodha, S. ( ). Glyphs for visualizing uncertainty
in vector fields. IEEE Trans Visualizat Comput Graph, : - .
Woodruff, A., Landay, J. and Stonebraker, M. ( ). Constant density visualization
of non-uniform distributions of data. In: Proceedings of ACM symposium on
user interface sotware and technology,pp - .
Yang, J., Ward, M.O. and Rundensteiner, E.A. ( ). Interactive hierarchical dis-
plays: a general framework for visualization and exploration of large multivariate
data sets. Comput Graph, : - .
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