Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure . . A barchart of the number of authors per paper, a histogram of the number of pages per
paper, and parallel boxplots of length by number of authors. Papers with more than three authors have
been selected
be of high quality and include complete definitions and explanations of the variables
shown and of the form of the graphic. Presentation graphics are like proofs of math-
ematical theorems; they may give no hint as to how a result was reached, but they
hand, are used for looking for results. Very many of them may be used, and they
should be fast and informative rather than slow and precise. hey are not intended
for presentation, so that detailed legends and captions are unnecessary. One presen-
tation graphic will be drawn for viewing by potentially thousands of readers while
thousands of exploratory graphics may be drawn to support the data investigations
of one analyst.
Topics on visualization should make useof graphics. Figure . showssomesimple
summaries of data about the chapters in this volume, revealing that over half the
chapters had more than one author and that more authors does not always mean
longer papers.
Graphics and Computing
Developments in computing power have been of great benefit to graphics in recent
years. It has become possible to draw precise, complex displays with great ease and
to print them with impressive quality at high resolution. hat was not always the
case, and initially computers were more a disadvantage for graphics. Computing
screens and printers could at best produce clumsy line-driven displays of low resolu-
tion without colour. hese offered no competition to careful, hand-drawn displays.
Furthermore,evenearly computersmademany calculations mucheasier than before
and allowed fitting of more complicated models. his directed attention away from
graphics, and it is only in the last years that graphics have come into their own
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