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root node, which has one or more children and no parent. Examples of hierarchical
trees are those produced by decision-tree and hierarchical clustering algorithms.
A spanning tree is an undirected geometric tree. Spanning trees have n
that define all distances between n nodes.hisisarestrictionofthen
in a complete graph. A minimum spanning tree (MST) has the shortest total edge
length of all possible spanning trees.
Ultrametric Trees
to the leaves than its children are), then a hierarchical tree is ultrametric.Anultra-
metric is a metric with a strong form of the triangle inequality, namely,
x, y
x, z
, d
y, z
In an ultrametric tree, the graph-theoretic distances take at most n
possible val-
ues, where n is the number of leaves. his is because of the ultrametric three-point
condition, which says we can rename any x, y, z such that
x, y
x, z
y, z
Another way to see this is to note that the distance between any two leaves is deter-
mined by the distance of either to the common ancestor.
Additive Trees
Let D be a symmetric n by n matrix ofdistances d ij .LetT be a hierarchical tree with
oneleafforeachrow/columnof D. T isanadditivetreefor D if,foreverypairofleaves
, the graph theoretic distance between the leaves is equal to d ij . Additive trees
rest on a weaker form of the triangle inequality than do ultrametric trees. namely,
t i , t j
x, y
x, z
y, z
Graph Drawing
Agraphisembeddable on a surface if it can be drawn on that surface so that edges
meetonly atvertices. Agraphis planar if itisembeddable onasphere(and,byimpli-
cation, the unbounded plane). We can use a theorem by Euler to prove a particular
graph is not planar, but we can prove a particular graph is planar only by drawing it
without edge crossings. Drawinggraphs is morethan atheoretical exercise, however.
Findingcompactplanardrawingsofgraphs representing electrical circuits,forex-
ample, is a critical application in the semiconductor industry. Other applications in-
volve metabolic pathways, kinetic models, and communications and transportation
networks. Spherical applications involve mapping the physical nodes of the Internet
and world trade routes.
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