Graphics Reference
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Table . . he superindicator matrix representation (Gifi, ) of a categorical data set
Sleeping Bag
n e K i l o B a g
S u n d
Kompakt Basic
F i n a r k T o u r
I n t e r l i g h t L y x
K o p a k t
Touch the Cloud
C a t 's e o w
I g l o o S u p e r
T r a v e l l e r s D r e a m
Y e t i L i g h t
C l i b e r
V i k i n g
E i g e r
Climber light
C o b r a
C o b r a C o f o r t
F o x fi r e
o n t B l a n c
of edges, identify the positions of the nodes in some space and calculate the curves
that connect them. Hence, in order to draw a graph, one has to make the following
two choices: (i) selection of the space and (ii) selection of the curves. For example,
grid layouts position the nodes at points with integer coordinates, while hyperbolic
lines between connected nodes, but some use curves of a certain degree (Di Battista
et al., ).
Manylayoutalgorithms arebased onasetof aesthetic rulesthatthedrawingneeds
toadhereto.Popularrulesarethatnodesandedgesmustbeevenly distributed,edges
should have similar lengths, edge crossings must be kept to a minimum, etc. Some
of these rules are important in certain application areas. Further, many of these rules
lead toa corresponding optimization problem,albeit intractable in certain cases. For
example, the edge-crossing minimization is provably NP-hard and hence computa-
tionally intractable (Di Battista et al., ). In many cases, a basic layout is obtained
by a computationally fast algorithm, and the resulting drawing is postprocessed to
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