Agriculture Reference
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higher scales in order to potentially increase the “genericness” of existing horti-
cultural models, or to improve their predictive capacity, is currently not feasible. A
promising direction to take, however, could be the modelling of the spatiotempo-
ral dynamics of key growth regulators, such as auxins, cytokinins or gibberellins.
These are known to control many physiological processes such as organ growth,
extension, and branching and could be used in more advanced horticultural FSPMs.
Nanotechnology, the application of atomic sized materials, is a vehicle for elec-
tronic control, product and process delivery. The properties of materials change
substantially at atomic and sub-atomic particle sizes. This is creating whole new
technologies which will have substantial impacts in horticulture. In recent years,
multiple ways of interaction between the fields of nanotechnology and biology have
been opened, mainly in biomedical research, with the development of tools for di-
agnosis and controlled delivery of substances (Corredor et al. 2010 ). By contrast,
in the field of plant biology, the interaction between both disciplines has been less
frequent. Most of the published work in this field has focused on the environmen-
tal impact of nanoparticles on crop growth and development; and also on the bio-
production of nanoparticles using plant extracts. There has been attention given
to the development of nanodevices for controlled delivery of pesticides and other
substances. As these developments take place they will spawn new applications in
crop husbandry, protection and marketing.
Nanotechnology offers opportunities for extending product shelf life, by con-
trolling the growth and development of micro-organisms, providing a new genera-
tion of packaging films and controlling the effects of gases and potentially harmful
rays (UV). It will also enable the strength, quality and appeal of packaging to be
enhanced and the use of multiple chips (nanobiosensors) for labeling products will
be a step towards the automated control of degradation in stored produce (Yadollahi
et al. 2010 ). Potentially there are applications of nanotechnology in all aspects of
food sectors. These include food processing, packaging, monitoring, production of
functional foods, development of foods capable of modifying their colour, flavour
or nutritional properties according to a person's individual dietary needs. More ge-
nerically there will be the production of stronger flavourings, colourings and nutri-
tional food additives (Alfadul and Elneshwy 2010 ). Developing smart packaging
to optimize product shelf life using nanotechnologies is seen as a goal for many
companies. Such packaging systems would be able to repair small holes and tears,
respond to environmental conditions such as temperature and moisture changes,
and alert the customer if the food is contaminated. Nanotechnology can modify the
permeability of foils, increasing barrier properties (mechanical, thermal, chemical
and microbial), improving mechanical and heat-resistance properties and sensing,
as well as signaling, microbiological and biochemical changes. The creation of na-
no-biodegradable packaging is also likely to be possible. The development of food
analytical methods for the detection of tiny amounts of a chemical contaminant,
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